Meet the 2025 Student Leaders!
Let's learn about our new student leaders for this 2025 season!

Isabel S.

Every year, Stryke Force chooses students for leadership roles. They are picked based on prior experience, dedication to the program, and knowledge about their sub-team. We believe that promoting students to these types of roles helps teach other students about STEM skills, through peer-to-peer interaction. This is a great opportunity to recognize the students who are devoted to the growth of STEM skills and our program, which will serve them well in their future endeavors.
Along with teaching other students what they need to know about their particular sub-team, our student leaders present to the team each week about what they've been working on over the week. This allows those who aren't participating in that particular sub-team to learn about what other sub-teams are doing. In addition, it's a great opportunity for the student leaders to share about upcoming events or any other relevant information.
Let's learn some about our student leaders!

Olivia E. is our business student leader this season and is currently a senior attending South Haven High School. It is her second year on Stryke Force and she has been involved with FIRST ® for six years. Her favorite part about being on the team is the hustle and bustle that comes with the many competitions. By being very consistent and positive when approaching any task, she impacts those around her with a contagious smile.

Currently a homeschooled senior, Layla P. is our build sub-team leader this season, and she has been involved in FIRST ® for seven years. She impacts the students in our program by ensuring that their voices are heard and that new and shy students have a place where they feel comfortable to speak out and work on projects. What she enjoys most about the program is all of the countless opportunities that robotics offers to help her journey to grow and learn more.

Our programming sub-team leader, David S. is a senior at Portage Northern High School and has been involved in the program for three years. As a student leader, he impacts his peers by helping and participating in discussions while taking on additional responsibilities. The freedom to experiment and learn new things is his favorite part about Stryke Force.

Lastly, Aleks L. is also a homeschooled junior, and is our CAD sub-team leader. He takes his job as a student leader seriously by delegating tasks to his peers and making sure everyone knows and understands what tasks they're supposed to be working on and completing. But aside from all of his duties, he enjoys making custom parts and finds that to be his favorite part of the program.
We are so thankful for our student leaders, for their dedication and hard work to the program, and we hope that they will provide a lasting impact through their guidance this season!