We have a CAD team!

Feb. 6, 2023

This year is the first year that we have a full CAD team of 10 students, three of these are prominent on the team.

Audrey P. picture of blog author

Audrey P.

CAD blog

We have 6 new and dedicated computers for CAD set up in our building. Students spent many hours over the summer to learn the skills necessary and to prepare for the build season. They have completed the critical initial phase and are currently working on perfecting their designs.

"How do we take this and jack it up to the next level?" - CAD mentor Sam Dare.

The CAD team is at the start of the process of building the robot and programming the robot so both the build team and the software team relies on this important step. The CAD team's goal is to get a minimum viable robot as quickly as possible and then iterate to add functionality.