STEM Night and Stryke Force Open Houses
We love being involved in our community!

Lizzy R.

On Thursday May 19th six students from Stryke Force and 2 mentors were excited to participate in our first community outreach event of 2022 at the STEM night hosted by Paramount Charter Academy. We had lots of fun sharing with K-8 kids about Stryke Force and what we do. We explained to incoming 5th-9th graders how they can become a part of Stryke Force.
Stryke Force opened its doors to the strykeforce.for the first time in two years when we hosted two open houses, Monday, May 23rd and Thursday, May 26th. More than 80 people attended and approximately 50 students showed further interest in joining our team. We had stations and information for the NRG (5th and 6th grades), VEX (7th and 8th grades) and FRC (9th-12th grade). Our FRC robots from the past 5 seasons were on display which included 2 world champion robots! Of course this season’s robot was driving around the field. Guests were encouraged to drive 3 NRG robots, 2 VEX robots and this year’s FRC protobot. The Stryke Force students had so much fun showing people of all ages more about what we do! Thank you to everyone who stopped by, and a special thanks to our sponsors Allegra and Special-Lite for stopping by!