2020 Kickoff

Jan. 20, 2020

This Saturday, the official game for the 2020 season was released worldwide, and those of us in Stryke Force got to experience the excitement and anticipation. Everyone had such a great time in our new build space. Click to hear more!

Shelby A.

Shelby A.


Here at Stryke Force, we started the year off right! On January 4th, FIRST robotics revealed the 2020 challenge: Infinite Recharge. We invited family, friends, mentors, and past team members to join our current team to watch the anticipated reveal. The day came with many emotions as we remembered Kendrick Castillo and Woodie Flowers, who both passed away in 2019. We also listened to Dean Kamen make another passionate, STEM-inspired speech.

Finally, the time had come. We started a drumroll and counted down like it was New Year’s Eve in Times Square. The announcer came on and for the next 1 minute and 57 seconds our minds were on the screen, enthralled. Afterwards, nothing could contain our excitement. Whether it be the new game piece, the field design, or the funky Star Wars references, all of us here at Stryke Force are beyond excited for this season.

Happy Fundraising! Happy Building! Happy Programming!

Have a fantastic 2020 competition season!