VEX is Next!

Dec. 7, 2019

Throughout the VEX IQ season, the high school FRC team has had the opportunity to introduce and teach the kids some of the skills that we believe would help them in their season, or when they join the high school team.

Cassie N. picture of blog author

Cassie N.


For months now the high school team has hosted lessons for the VEX teams. These lessons have covered a variety of topics some of which being scouting and gravity in robotics. These lessons are informational, and can be applied to the Vex robots. Just recently the business team had the opportunity to plan and present a lesson to the Vex students, to be able to help them in their upcoming competition. Part of the Vex season included making and presenting a demonstration of a summary of their season so far, and how they made their robots. To help the children prepare for this presentation, the business team decided to teach the children about presenting.

Vex is next 2019

Our goal was to teach the kids how to properly give a presentation, as well as introduce them to some of the jobs of the business team while also making a fun and welcoming atmosphere for them. For our presentation, we included vocal and physical warm ups to get the kids more comfortable with us, and speaking in the group. Then we practiced reciting rhymes and tongue twisters. Added to these things were examples of how we incorporate these skills into what we do on the business team, and what they can do to incorporate what they were learning into their presentations. Overall I believe the kids really benefited from our presentation, and we had a lot of fun doing the presentation and interacting with the kids as well.