VEX IQ Season Finish
The first VEX IQ season at Stryke Force has officially come to an end. The children ended off the season with a bang, at their competition, where they worked together with other teams to gain the most points.

Cassie N.

The VEX IQ season this year has been a new experience for everyone. However, despite that fact, the season ended very nicely. The children came together to participate in a final competition. Their goal was to gain the most amount of points they could, working with other teammates to accomplish that goal. The kids also had the opportunity to win different awards. There were multiple awards given to teams who the judges felt earned them. After the awards were given and the winners were stated, the children had the chance to gather and talk with friends before they left the space for probably the last time.
The first half of the morning at the competition started of a little hectic. People were buzzing with nervous tension, and everyone was in anticipation. Once things got flowing and there was a basic understanding of how the games were going, and how they were timed; the rest of the morning went by in a pretty smooth way. All of the volunteers were ready and willing to help kids, and the kids were always ready when they needed to be. Then everybody ate lunch and each individual teams took pictures with them and their robots. Finally, all of the kids gathered together to hear the outcome of the competition and the judges choices for the awards. The kids were all kind and generous, no one getting upset at anyone for awards or scores. The children were free to go after that, and most of them stayed and talked among themselves, exchanging numbers and trying to keep in touch. Their season ended not only with happy, satisfied kids, but with new relationships and hopefully lifelong friends.