Stryke Force teaches STEM at the Boys and Girls Club

Dec. 20, 2018

Fitting gears together is certainly fun, but watching a younger child’s eyes light up as you teach them how to fit gears together is one of the most amazing experiences a FIRST student can have.

Audrey R. picture of blog author

Audrey R.


One of Stryke Force’s core missions is to spread a passion for STEM throughout the community and we take endless pleasure in sharing educational entertainment with everyone. Just this past week, Stryke Force had the privilege of working with the people at the Kalamazoo Boys and Girls Club to coordinate a STEM day for the kids at the club.

It was incredible to teach the children about all aspect of Stryke Force, showing them how all the mechanics, electronics, and business fit together to make our team successful and demonstrating how what they’re learning in school can be connected to exciting real life challenges. It was inspiring to all involved and we are very thankful for the opportunity to make those connections for others.