FTC Season Update

Dec. 25, 2018

Our FTC students just finished up their season - and what an exciting season it was!

Missy D. picture of blog author

Missy D.


Team 7228 qualified for the State Championships, which was held at Kellogg Arena on December 14th and 15th. They finished qualifiers in 11th place with a record of 4-2, and went on to be captains of the the 8th Alliance. They were were knocked out in quarterfinals by the 1st alliance, who went on to win the State Championships.

The kids were thrilled to see so many of their teammates from 8553 and 15106 in the stands cheering them on. What a fun way to end the season!

Here are the stats from the regular season.

Team 7228

  • Coloma Qualifer: First Place Inspire Award Winner, Advancing to State Competition, Qual Rank 6 with a record of 4-1-0
  • Constantine Qualifier: Control Award Winner, Qual Rank 3 with a record of 4-1-0

Team 8553

  • Coloma Qualifier: Qual Rank 2 with a record of 4-1-0, Finalist Alliance.
  • Constantine Qualifier: Qual Rank 20 with a record of 3-2-0

Team 15106

  • Coloma Qualifier: Qual Rank 10 with a record of 3-2-0
  • Constantine Qualifier: Qual Rank 19 with a record of 3-2-0