Developing Software Skills with 2016 Stronghold Robot

July 30, 2018

The Stryke Force programmers are dusting off our old Stronghold robot for a software makeover.

Sam R. picture of blog author

Sam R.


The task is to program the robot in Java, rather than C++ as it was originally programmed in, from scratch. The summer project is an exercise a step beyond mentor Greg’s introduction to FRC programming. The goal is to acquaint students with the architecture and tools used in the competition robot code.

Thus far, the students have set up the software’s architecture, implemented an arcade drive, and have been slowly adding tele-op functionality to mechanical systems. The first steps towards a vision system have been taken despite some dusty wiring presenting itself an issue. Outside of the robot, the team has had to learn to navigate GitHub to merge code that had been developed separately into a cohesive project. Meanwhile, the development side of the software team is looking at improving the tools used for scouting with some HTML applications to streamline the process.