2018 Open Houses were a Huge Success!
I was really, really excited at the flood of people that came through the door of the build space on the first night of open houses!

Ethan L.

The visitors were not just prospective students and their parents. Stryke Force students clad in yellow guided Portage councilmen, local representatives, new and hopeful sponsors, and lots of other FRC teams from all over Michigan. News Channel 3 was even there!

The current and past versions of robots were all displayed in the pristine build space, with the 2018 world-championship robot zooming around. There was excitement in the air as FTC and NRG drew crowds to watch their robots in their spaces, especially for those that got to drive around a training robot themselves!
As a business team member, it was great to talk to these people about the importance of good business practices and the development of relationships in the community. The rest of the students were also glad to share the fun and importance of STEM and FIRST in the community. The next three days would be as good as the last and I not only enjoyed them, but felt that we as a team had done an awesome job!
Thanks to everyone that came. I’m really looking forward to the new talent that will come to the team next year!