Student Leaders

  • Olivia E.

    Business Team

    "Last season, best season!"

    South Haven High School Senior

  • Layla P.

    Build Team

    "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." - John

    Lennon, "Beautiful Boy"

    Homeschool Senior

  • David S.

    Programming Team

    I thought I fixed that.

    Portage Northern High School Senior

  • Aleks L.

    CAD Team

    "Live, Laugh, Lockheed Martin."

    Homeschool Junior


  • Beth C.

    Build Team

    I walk around like everything‘s fine, but deep down, inside my shoe my sock is sliding off.

    Homeschool Senior

  • Miles F.

    Programming Team

    One season in, I figured out what a loop is.

    Portage Northern High School Senior

  • Collin L.

    Build Team

    Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm —Winston Churchill

    Delton Kellogg High School Senior

  • Tyler L.

    Drive Team

    What is this, file city?

    Portage Central High School Senior

  • Trey P.

    CAD Team

    "Ideas spark change, change sparks progress."

    Sturgis High School Senior

  • Isaac R.

    Programming Team

    "Once, twice, three times a penguin."

    Hackett Catholic Prep Senior

  • Lizzy R.

    Business Team

    There is a difference between not knowing and not knowing yet.

    Portage Northern High School Senior

  • Isaac H.

    Programming Team

    "Copy/Paste is the programmer's friend."

    Homeschool Junior

  • Lukas K.

    Build Team

    Keep it simple.

    Howardsville Christian School Junior

  • Huck R.

    Programming Team

    Homeschool Junior

  • Isabel S.

    Business Team


    Mattawan High School Junior

  • Lincoln B.

    "People cannot work individually because one cannot be right nor wrong without another to agree or disagree."

    Homeschool Sophomore

  • Chase D.

    Build Team

    "I came for the food and stayed for the easy access to power tools."

    Portage Central High School Sophomore

  • Kayden L.

    Programming Team

    "We must first learn to ask the right kinds of questions: only then will the answers follow."

    Portage Central High School Sophomore

  • Abhinav S.

    Build Team


    Portage Central High School Sophomore

  • Jiya S.

    Build Team

    Portage Central High School Sophomore

  • Aiden V.

    Build Team

    "Don't quote me."

    Homeschool Sophomore

  • Ben W.

    CAD/Build Team

    "Believe you can and you're halfway there."

    Portage Central High School Sophomore

  • Brayden B.

    Programming Team

    "Give a man a program, frustrate him for a day. teach a man to program, frustrate him for a lifetime."


  • Hunter B.

    CAD/Build Team

    "Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them." -Albert Einstein

    Mattawan High School Freshman

  • Brayden C.

    "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn." -Benjamin Franklin

    Delton Kellogg High School Freshman

  • Shelby E.

    Build Team

    "Veni Vedi Veci."

    Homeschool Freshman

  • James F.

    Programming Team

    "In the midst of chaos there is also opportunity."


  • Tyce H.

    "God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that whoever believed in him would have eternal life."

    Homeschool Freshman

  • Kush K.

    CAD/Build Team

    "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."

    Portage Northern High School Freshman

  • Arlo K.

    Build Team
